First Day Of School.

First Day Of School by you.

Wow.  My boy is in Kindergarten.  It is hard to believe.  My wife has been a little weepy for the past week or so (big surprise for those of you who know my sweet wife).  But I have to be honest, when we dropped that young man off at school I had some tears.  Actually having some right now.  Man I love that kid.

So, photographically speaking, this is shot with the "plastic fantastic" 50mm f1.8 lens.  I always put this lens on when low light is a possibility.  Grabbed this shot as he was about to get out of the car.  I really like the lens flare from the sun that is rising right over his head.  It is exaggerated by the high contrast treatment that I gave the image.

Anyway, there he is.  My boy!

1 Response to "First Day Of School."

  • Unknown Says:

    I love our baby! Can you believe he is 5 honey? Oh my goodness! He was so brave! I really was proud of him walking right in there not knowing a soul! What a buddy! It gives me tears too just thinking about him. I cannot wait to pick him up and to give him hugs and kisses!

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